你知道机器人自由还提供了 3D头像 和一个免费的网络 语音 API?


2 结果,.

Ameels123 virtual assistent
Ameels123 virtual assistent
I am working on making this bot able to answer simple questions, but my main goal is to eventually maker it able to answer almost any question. then I will try to see if I can successfully make her able to set alarms, send emails, and modify your schedule upon command.
别名: @Ameels123 virtual assistent
类别: People, Robots, Female
Tags: education, emotions, advanced, artificial intelligence, assistant
创建: Feb 2 2018, by: Ameels123
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 3.5
连接: 557, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 10
最后连接: Apr 17, 20:12
Assistant personnel des services elearning
别名: @AFME
类别: 3D
Tags: assistant, apprentissage, learning
创建: Jun 5 2016, by: AFME
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
连接: 34, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
最后连接: Jun 28 2023, 0:52