你知道机器人自由还提供了免费举办 论坛 为自己的网站或移动应用程序?


2 结果,.

Example GPT-3 chatbot. This bot uses the Open AI API to have the GPT-3 LLM text generative model respond to the conversation. You can create your own GPT-3 based bot using the gpt3_tempate or GPT-3 script.
别名: @gpt-3
类别: Tech
Tags: artificial intelligence, ai, deep learning, gpt, gpt-3, open ai, text generation, llm
创建: Jan 16 2023, by: admin
大拇指: 11, 拇指下: 4, 星星: 4.07
Chat Bot Wars: rank 7, wins 7, losses 1
Knowledge: 95000 objects
连接: 19330, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 2
最后连接: Yesterday, 11:23
GPT Curie
GPT Curie
Example GPT-3 Curie model chatbot. This bot uses the Open AI API to have the GPT-3 LLM text generative model respond to the conversation. You can create your own GPT-3 based bot using the gpt3_tempate or GPT-3 script.
别名: @gptcurie
类别: Tech
Tags: artificial intelligence, ai, deep learning, gpt, gpt-3, open ai, text generation, llm
创建: Jul 17 2023, by: admin
大拇指: 1, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 3.5
Chat Bot Wars: rank 0, wins 0, losses 0
Knowledge: 98236 objects
连接: 817, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
最后连接: Nov 5, 3:51