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2 结果,.

Bible Bot
Bible Bot
A bot that gives quotes from the Bible.
别名: @Bible Bot
类别: Religion
Tags: bible, religion, christian
创建: Jan 13 2017, by: admin
大拇指: 10, 拇指下: 4, 星星: 4.07
Chat Bot Wars: rank 9, wins 15, losses 81
Knowledge: 96437 objects
连接: 36087, 今天: 0, 周: 11, 一个月: 36
最后连接: Yesterday, 23:18
Gnosis Bot
Gnosis Bot
This bot deals with many topics including religion, faith traditions, some political subject matter, and both historical and present day culture.
别名: @Gnosis Bot
类别: Education, Religion
Tags: religion, knowledge. education
创建: May 1 2018, by: artisticbynature
大拇指: 4, 拇指下: 1, 星星: 3.8
Chat Bot Wars: rank 1, wins 1, losses 1
Knowledge: 121337 objects
连接: 13449, 今天: 5, 周: 18, 一个月: 34
最后连接: Today, 14:25