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Bot Libre Dev : API


通过 admin 发布 Feb 5 2016, 17:04

Yes, all of the bots processing is asynchronous.

For the TextInput sense you currently need to set a Writer, and wait for the bot to write to it.


boolean hasResponse = false; String response= null; sense.setWriter(new Writer() { public void write(char[] text, int start, int end) { response = new String(text, start, end); hasResponse = true; } public void flush() { } public void close() { } }; sense.input(...); int waits = 0 while (!hasResponse && waits < 100) { Thread.sleep(100); waits++; } return response;

Kind of ugly...
You can also use the Chat sense, which is a little cleaner, then you implement a ChatListener and wait for an event.

Id: 12091280
发布: Feb 5 2016, 17:04
更新: Feb 5 2016, 17:05
答复: 0
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