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SDK and Web API

Tablet support?

通过 matthewbennion 发布 Apr 15 2016, 6:39

My bot works fine on all pc platforms but won't work on phones or tablets! Is there a way around this other than developing an app?

by admin posted Apr 15 2016, 9:59
Our bots work on mobile and tablets.

Depending what browser you are using some features may not work.
Chat should work, speech and video animation may not, as some browser disable play() of media.

Firefox mobile supports media play(), Chrome and Safari disable it by default.
On Chrome mobile you can go to chrome://flags and enable media play "Disable gesture requirement for media playback".

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by matthewbennion posted Apr 17 2016, 17:01


Could you explain to me exactly needs changing in mobile chrome? :) I think I have that setting already changed.

best wishes,


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by admin posted Apr 17 2016, 21:52
That should do it, chrome://flags, scroll down to "Disable gesture requirement for media playback", click "Enable".

What issue are you having?

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by matthewbennion posted Apr 18 2016, 4:38

I've set the flag to enabled but the content still doesn't load unfortunately.  It works perfectly in Firefox tho!

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by admin posted Apr 18 2016, 7:10
Which avatar/bot are you using, and what table brand/model?

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by matthewbennion posted Apr 19 2016, 4:47

I've tried it on both my Nexus 7 and Samsung S4 Mobile

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by admin posted Apr 19 2016, 6:32
What issue are you seeing exactly?
Does the chat work?
Do you get a still image instead of an animated video and speech?

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by matthewbennion posted Apr 19 2016, 7:12

Nothing is rendered unfortunately and I don't get any sound

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by matthewbennion posted Apr 19 2016, 8:37

web.createBox(); seems to render differently depending on platform is there any way of embedding it on the page?

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by admin posted Apr 19 2016, 11:48
The speech issue was that your were using the native speech, but Chrome does not support HTML5 speech on mobile. The server voices work.

You can use your own JavaScript to render your avatar however you wish. You can copy the code from createBox() and modify it to suite your needs, our SDK is open source.

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by matthewbennion posted Apr 19 2016, 12:50

Hi,  Everything is working! However I've noticed that something isn't quite right.  In chrome when the SDK switches mp4 files the video tag placeholder flashes black.  This can be seen even on the examples on the website.

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by admin posted Apr 19 2016, 13:58
Unfortunately mobile web browsers are not perfect yet, but at least they are improving.
Hopefully Chrome will fix the flash when changing videos.

We also support using a canvas, but I believe that canvas is disabled by default on mobile as most browsers do not support it.

You can enable using a canvas with,

SDK.useCanvas = true

But, I'm pretty sure it does not work on mobile Chrome.

We also have a free open source Android and iOS SDK for building apps.

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Id: 12559316
发布: Apr 15 2016, 6:39
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