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Bot Libre Forum : Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

RE: Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

通过 bellts 发布 Jun 29 2016, 15:08

Well.... none of that worked. I'm assuming that this is only available on botlibre.com and NOT available via source code or supplied ai-engine.jar (ver 4.0).

I'm now trying a hack... which seems to work. I just can't figure out how to get the response from the call. I have validated that the call goes out (and I see the proper/valid response in the log). Any clue?

Sample code:


state tacosAI {

case input goto test;

state test

function thatsoWordState() {
//var result = Http.requestJSON("http://api.geonames.org/postalCodeSearchJSON?maxRows=1&username=botlibre&postalcode=92590");
var result = request (null, { server : "http://api.pathient.com/spectation/hello?nothing="});
if (result == null) {
return "Something went wrong.";
return result.code.content + " target";




INFO: botlibre_bots - Thread[pool-65-thread-1,5,main] -- RemoteService:Response - <code><content>hello</content></code>


Id: 13032894
发布: Jun 29 2016, 15:08
答复: 0
的风景: 4702, 今天: 1, 周: 2, 一个月: 28
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