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Bot Libre Forum : Automating your Mobile Presence with a Telegram Bot

RE: Automating your Mobile Presence with a Telegram Bot

通过 Harmik 发布 Dec 19 2016, 4:56


Is there some common solutions to issues with Telegram?
I've followed the instructions here and still my bot doesn't seem to properly work with it.

I also tried to message Bot Libres own Telegram connected bots bot those don't respond either, which gives the feeling this is not only related to my bot.


The log I have for Telegram shows one error that repeat every hour, apparently related to the polling of messages.
The webhook, while showing that it should be registered, doesn't seem to work at all as there is no log entries about new messages when trying to chat with the bot.

Log entries that repeat every hour:

WARNING -- Telegram:400 : {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}
WARNING -- Telegram:java.lang.RuntimeException: 400 : {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}

The log shows that webhook should be ok and connection should be working: Telegram:Connecting to Telegram
Telegram:Registering webhook - https://www.botlibre.com/rest/api/telegram/******** (removed for this post)
Telegram:Webhook registered - https://www.botlibre.com/rest/api/telegram/******** (removed for this post)
Telegram:Connected to Telegram
Any ideas what to do to get this solved?

Id: 14962533
发布: Dec 19 2016, 4:56
答复: 0
的风景: 5270, 今天: 3, 周: 10, 一个月: 72
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