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Self, AIML, and scripting : Dealing with sets in AIML on botlibre

RE: Dealing with sets in AIML on botlibre

通过 pranavlal 发布 Feb 28 2017, 6:39


Many thanks for your response. My bot is in an AIML script.  I have over a thousand keywords in a large text file.

How do I convert that file to JSON?

In addition, where do I put the self script in the bot? Yes, there is the scripts upload page. Do I just upload the script or do I need to add the script to my AIML template in some way?

Id: 15617609
发布: Feb 28 2017, 6:39
答复: 0
的风景: 1735, 今天: 1, 周: 2, 一个月: 11
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