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How to call plain text with a json request

通过 marcosnunes 发布 Feb 28 2017, 18:38


How to make this script call the json webservice and return a plain text?



function Teaching() {

var text = Http.requestJSON("https://teacherbot.000webhostapp.com/wp-json/wp/v2/pages?slug=" + Http.encode(star[1]);); return JSON.stringify(json[0].content.rendered); } }


by admin posted Feb 28 2017, 20:11
I think the code you want is something like:
// Returns WordPress posts. state TeachEnglish { pattern "^ [verbo pronome pronomes] (to) *" answer Teaching(); function Teaching() { var text = Http.requestJSON("https://teacherbot.000webhostapp.com/wp-json/wp/v2/pages?slug=" + Http.encode(star[1])); text = json[0].content.rendered; text = text.replace("<p>", ""); text = text.replace("<\/p>", ""); text = text.replace("\n", ""); text = text.trim(); return text; } }

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