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Bot Libre Dev : Bot's mind

RE: Bot's mind

通过 eavinash1983 发布 Mar 3 2017, 0:49

Thanks for the quick reply.

By default I see that my bot is using Language state 'Answering'. Is it correct or I am doing something wrong ?

Secondly here is the samle json taken from botlibre.com. Not sure if it's correct.

[{type : "contact", name : "Jon Dow", phone : 1234567890},
{type : "contact", name : "Jane Smith", phone : 1112223333},
{type : "contact", name : "George Jones the 3rd", phone : 1114448888}

How would it create vertex and relationship from the json? What is the API to use to import it.

Note:- I have local deployment of Botlibre AI engine not using botlibre platform.

Id: 15640414
发布: Mar 3 2017, 0:49
更新: Mar 3 2017, 8:04
答复: 0
的风景: 1537, 今天: 2, 周: 3, 一个月: 16
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