你知道机器人的自由,也提供免费的托管的 实时聊天 为自己的网站或移动应用程序?
Bot Libre Forum : random remembered

RE: random remembered

通过 admin 发布 Dec 27 2017, 18:05

Yes, you can use the "conversation" variable in a template in Self code.
You can also use "speaker" to access the current user's variable.

For the last phrase in the conversation,


Set set a variable on the conversation,

conversation.myproperty = "my value";

Or on the speaker,

speaker.myproperty = "my value";

Id: 20313170
发布: Dec 27 2017, 18:05
答复: 0
的风景: 2466, 今天: 2, 周: 6, 一个月: 8
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