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Need help with programming my bot to auto search and provide canned reply to posts on twitter or insta

通过 drkmatter 发布 Jan 29 2019, 1:04

I'm a newbie and want to get my bot off the ground. Anyone know how to program a bot to search for specific posts on twitter (or instagram) and reply with a canned response from a database? If you know where I can find an answer to this somewhere on the forum that would be helpful as well.


by admin posted Jan 29 2019, 8:02
For Twitter see,


You can use a "Tweet Search" and "Reply Keywords", but note we do not allow spam, and Twitter will block your account if you spam.

For Instagram you may be able to access their API through a Self script and a Timer task,

We can help you create the bot through our development services, as well as for Instagram, email [email protected]

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by drkmatter posted Jan 29 2019, 8:09

Ok thanks! Will let you know if I have any more questions.

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by drkmatter posted Feb 10 2019, 11:46

Hi...is it possible to limit your bot twitter search to people from a certain location like Toronto or Montreal? If so how?


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Views: 1811, today: 0, week: 0, month: 12

by admin posted Feb 10 2019, 17:10

The search uses the Twitter advanced search syntax, so any query should work.

You can copy the "q" from the URL Twitter's advanced search give you,


For example search for "foo" or "bar" near "Toronto", the q= is,


which URL decoded is,

foo bar near:"Toronto" within:15mi

So you can enter this in your bot's Tweet Search.

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Views: 1824, today: 1, week: 1, month: 9

Id: 25719409
标签: how to, keywords
发布: Jan 29 2019, 1:04
答复: 4
的风景: 2295, 今天: 1, 周: 2, 一个月: 18
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