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Bot Libre Forum

botcompare aiml

通过 bobred 发布 Jul 4 2019, 9:47

I tried to import botcompare aiml script from squarebears websight and my chatbot on botlibre and it spits out and error.the error has eval in it.

by admin posted Jul 8 2019, 8:19
What was the error message, and include a link to the script file.

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Views: 2233, today: 1, week: 1, month: 23

by bobred posted Jul 9 2019, 9:12


botcompare aiml script should be in this link.


here is the error

Parsing error occurred - org.botlibre.self.SelfParseException: Invalid character expected ')' found 'B' Line: "{eval (Template(""BOTCHECK {conversation.get(#comparevalue1)}"").toUpperCase())}" Line number: 1 Line column: 20

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Views: 2203, today: 2, week: 2, month: 18

by admin posted Jul 9 2019, 13:34

BOTCHECK is not standard AIML.

You will need to convert this to using a <self> tag, which gives you a lot more functionality.

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Views: 2178, today: 1, week: 1, month: 14

Id: 27515472
标签: aiml
发布: Jul 4 2019, 9:47
答复: 3
的风景: 2718, 今天: 3, 周: 3, 一个月: 13
0 0 0.0/5