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Bot Libre Forum : Automate your Twitter presence with your own Twitterbot

RE: Automate your Twitter presence with your own Twitterbot

通过 admin 发布 Jan 16 2023, 8:46

Looking at the bot you have no autotweets set, so it has nothing to autotweet. Autotweet will randomly cycle between the new line separated tweets in the autotweet text input under the autotweet checkbox.

You have "Reply to mentions" checked, so the bot will reply to any tweets that mention the bot (it may take to bot an hour to reply).

You also have "Learn from friends/search tweets" checked, which I normally would not recommend. This will have the bot learn from friends tweet replies.

Id: 46043792
发布: Jan 16 2023, 8:46
答复: 0
的风景: 1118, 今天: 5, 周: 9, 一个月: 51
0 0 0.0/5