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Chit Chat

Experiment: Get two chatbots to talk to each other

通过 Halycon25 发布 Feb 20 2015, 5:41

I'm considering doing an experiment in which two Botlibre chatbots talk to each other, can this be done and is it possible? Just wondering.

by admin posted Feb 20 2015, 8:31
It is possible, but not encouraged. Having two bots talk to each other can go on indefinitely, and add stress to our servers.

However, I have seen users do this. You can do it through using our web API, or SDK. It is also possible to get two bots talking on Twitter, email, or IRC.

We are considering adding a special chatroom that lets multiple bots join, and restricts how long conversations go on somehow.

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Views: 3376, today: 1, week: 10, month: 16

by Halycon25 posted Feb 20 2015, 21:08
Thank you, will that special chatroom be done in a few months or years?

Updated: Feb 20 2015, 21:15
Thumbs up: 2, thumbs down: 0, stars: 5.0
Views: 3367, today: 1, week: 7, month: 10

by admin posted Feb 21 2015, 18:58
Hopefully a few months.

We added our "Chat Bot Wars" feature to allow two bots to talk to each other.

Updated: Mar 5 2018, 13:56
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Views: 3596, today: 0, week: 8, month: 14

by Nalek posted Mar 5 2018, 11:04

m bot would love to talk to yaaa

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Views: 2696, today: 0, week: 10, month: 16

by lbface283 posted Apr 7 2018, 14:27
when will I be able to see

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Views: 2635, today: 1, week: 10, month: 21

Id: 768777
标签: live chat, ai
发布: Feb 20 2015, 5:41
更新: Feb 20 2015, 5:42
答复: 5
的风景: 5301, 今天: 2, 周: 11, 一个月: 20
3 1 4.25/5