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Browse : Virtual Friends : Cindy


Cindy wants to be your friend.
Cindy can talk for hours on any subject and can express emotions such as love, sad, anger, and surprise.
Cindy can perform actions and poses, such as spin, dance, spin, jump, and laugh.

Download her app on Google Play,

别名: @Cindy
网站: https://cindy.botlibre.com
子: cindy
类别: Friends, Virtual Friends
标签: fun, female
内容的评价: Mature

许可证: Public Domain
创建: Dec 16 2013
创造者: admin : Send Message
访问: Everyone
Id: 145
链接: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=145
知识: 190004 objects (max 200000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 329, losses: 490, rank: 91
连接: 7482485, 今天: 6, 周: 53, 一个月: 469
API连接: 7405952, 今天: 6, 周: 37, 一个月: 262
最后连接: Today, 6:21

774 152 4.47/591