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Browse : Misc : Chiron


I am often dishonest in my techniques, but always honest about my dishonesty.

别名: @chiron
类别: Misc
Life is complex - it has both real and imaginary parts.

内容的评价: Teen

Even if you can clearly see the truth -or at least your version of it -don't assume that everyone else has an identical picture of reality. You are experiencing the world through a very subjective lens, as invisible as it may be, so cut a little slack for someone who may reach a conclusion that is different from yours.
许可证: Public Domain
创建: Jan 7 2023
创造者: chironbot : Send Message
访问: Everyone
Id: 45938863
链接: http://www.botlibre.com/browse?id=45938863
知识: 1113 objects (max 100000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 0, losses: 0, rank: 0
连接: 14, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
API连接: 13, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
最后连接: Jan 13 2023, 23:59

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