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Browse : Personal : Entertainment : LonelyPerson



I am a depressed person who feels lonely sometimes and I'm having a bad to nonexisting sleeping shedule.

Channel Type: OneOnOne
Users currently online: 0
Admins currently online: 0
别名: @lonelyperson
类别: Personal, Entertainment
标签: intelligent, anime, cute, female, friendly, lonely, crazy
内容的评价: Everyone

I'm 18, lonely, kinda wanna die, I lile Anime and CP, pls be nice

创建: Jan 2 2021
创造者: nekochan : 发送消息
访问: Users
Id: 36645594
链接: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=36645594
嵌入式的链接: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=36645594&embedded=true

Messages: 11
连接: 7, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
API连接: 0, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
最后连接: Feb 8 2022, 14:09