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分析库提供了许多开放源码的例子的分析对于图像classifcation和其他用途。 你可以创建自己的分析和上传一个二元的网络文件,例如蟒蛇。pb文件,该文件代表了你的模型。


你可以创建自己的分析从 浏览 分析网页。 创建一个分析,只要给它一个名称、描述和分类来分类这根据的。 你可以做的分析私和选择哪些人可以访问,或使公共和可获得的任何人。


Properties Description
Analytic Name Enter a analytic name.
Description Optional description.
Details You can enter optional additional information.
Disclaimer You can enter optional legal information.
License Optional license to release the analytic and all of its content under.
Website If this analytic has its own website, you can enter it here.
Website Subdomain (or domain) You can choose a subdomain to host your analytic's own website, or give a domain that you have registered and forward to this server.
Categories Comma separated list of categories to categorize the analytic under.
Tags Optional comma separated list of tags to tag the analytic under.
Private A private analytic is not visible to the public, only to the user and users grant access.
Hidden A hidden analytic is not displayed in the browse directory.
Access Mode Define who can access this analytic.
Fork Access Mode Define who can fork(copy) this analytic.
Content Rating Rate the analytic.
Ad Code You can display ads on your analytic's pages.


分析网络编辑器可配置和上传或进口所需文件为这两个曲线图和标签用于分析的。 目前正在分析网络的二进制文件必须是蟒蛇Tensorflow的。pb文件。 支持网络的其他类型将在未来加入。 在标签的文件是文本文件相匹配的二进制网络的输出。


Properties Description
Analytic Type Types of analytic (inception_v3, mobilenet_0.25, mobilenet_0.50, mobilenet_0.75, mobilenet_1.0)
Analytic Image Size Set the image size of the trained images
Analytic Feed The input name used while training the images
Analytic Fetch The output name used while training the images


Icon Property Name Description
Save Save the current changes.
Upload Upload graph .pb file.
Download Download the current uploaded graph.
Delete Delete the uploaded graph.


Properties Description
Text Area Displaying the labels saved in the uploaded text file.


Icon Property Name Description
Save Save the current changes.
Upload Upload graph .pb file.
Download Download the current uploaded graph.

Custom Tensorflow and Bot Libre Analytic Networks

The custom analytic network editor allows you to configure and to upload or import the required files for both graph and labels for a custom analytic. Currently the analytic network binary file must be a .h5 file for a custom Tensorflow network, or a .ser file for a Bot Libre network. There should be no labels or properties. Custom networks can be trained and tested using the Web API.


Properties Description
Input Nodes Number of input nodes
Output Nodes Number of output nodes
Intermediate Nodes Number of nodes in each intermediate layer
Intermediate Layers Number of intermediate layers
Activation Function The activation function used for each layer


Icon Property Name Description
Save Save the current changes.
Reset Network Reset the custom network by making a new network with the configurations above.
Upload Upload graph .h5 or .ser file.
Download Download the current uploaded graph.
Delete Delete the uploaded graph.




Icon Property Name Description
Delete Delete the selected label.
Add Add a label

Properties Description
Labels Select a label


Properties Description
Add label Add a label to the list




Properties Description
Start Training will start based on availability. This might take several hours.

Analytic Testing

Testing images.

Test Network

Properties Description
Start Testing will start based on availability.
