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Browse : Styles



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An example CSS stylesheet that can be used with a bot embedded using an iframe. This stylesheet hides the buttons.
别名: @botframe-no-buttons
类别: Styles
Tags: css, examples
创建: Feb 23 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: CSS
连接: 501, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 0:04
Style for box embedded chat button. This makes the box blue with round top corners, and a smaller height.
别名: @blue-round-corners
类别: Styles
Tags: css, embedding
创建: May 20 2016, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: CSS
连接: 463, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 0:04
This is for Hierarchial tree look
别名: @treelinks
类别: Styles
Tags: css, embedding
创建: Feb 19 2019, by: ltvsit
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: CSS
连接: 253, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 4
最后连接: Yesterday, 1:56
A stylesheet to customize the look and feel of the bot embed script. Gives rounded buttons.
别名: @round-style
类别: Styles
Tags: styles, embedding
创建: Dec 9 2015, by: admin
大拇指: 0, 拇指下: 0, 星星: 0.0
Language: CSS
连接: 447, 今天: 0, 周: 1, 一个月: 3
最后连接: Yesterday, 2:49