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Browse : A.L.I.C.E. : drugs (alice)

drugs (alice)

The drugs AIML script from the ALICE A.I. FOUNDATION.
This script contains basic responses for drug and narcotics related questions. The alice script is meant to be combined with the other alice AIML scripts for the full alicebot personality.

Language: AIML
别名: @drugs (alice)
网站: http://www.alicebot.org
类别: A.L.I.C.E., AIML
标签: aiml, alice, drugs
内容的评价: Teen

许可证: GNU Lesser GPL
创建: Mar 14 2015
创造者: admin : 发送消息
访问: Everyone
Id: 796982
链接: https://www.botlibre.com/script?id=796982
嵌入式的链接: https://www.botlibre.com/script?id=796982&embedded=true
File Link: https://sandbox.botlibre.com/script?file&id=796982

连接: 786, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 2
API连接: 7, 今天: 0, 周: 0, 一个月: 0
最后连接: Dec 9, 22:22

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